Questioning the way we work together
Sensitive portraits - Which roles do we endorse in our team? How do we complement each other?
Sensorial workshop - How do we act with guidelines and rules?
Role play : Which roles and attitudes do we endorse “naturally” when working with others?
Active listening exercice : Talk the Walk
Crossed Lecture : Where do we stand regarding self-management?
Serious Game : The Bridge
Serious Game : Lost on the Moon
Serious Game : The Shamallow contest
Serious Game : The Mines
Serious Game : The Serious Chocolate Game
What is a partner?
Why do we set up partnerships?
What type of professional are we?
"Me, My needs and the others" : How to find a balance?
What arouses strong emotions in us? How do we react?
How our emotions influence our social commitments?
“Alike or not alike ?” Who should we partner with?
How do we set up partnerships? What kind of struggles do we face? How to overcome?
Addressing conflicts by mean of the Forum Theater
"Yes or no, let me know!"
"Powerty": Will you take a step back or forward?
Which leader am I ?
Conference Cafe : How to deal with emotions within a group?
Conference Cafe : How do we design projects within our organizations?