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What kind of professional are you ?


  • Better understanding who we are, in order to join forces.
  • Bringing to light the different point of views we have on a specific field of action or profession.


Duration: 1 hour

> Step 1: Taking position on axes

Draw three axes on the ground, each axis corresponding to one profession or field of action (for example : artist, facilitator/trainer/educator and social worker).

Ask the participants to take position according to the way they considered themselves from a professional point of view. (for example: 100% artist / 50% artist-50% educator / 25% social worker-75% educator, etc.). Invite the participants to take a look at the general picture.

+ Insérer l’image du positionnement réalisé dans AGORA (page 10 de la synthèse)

> Step 2: Introducing ourselves a bit more

Ask the participants to share briefly with the others the reason why they chose their position: current activities, academic background, professional carrier…

According to the time you got, give first the speech to the people who have more radical positions and prioritize the people who haven’t spoken yet.

Material required

  • Chalk, painter’s tape or string to draw the axes on the ground.
  • A big room.

out_of_the_box/tools/together/professional_type.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/14 11:19 by caro