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How do we set up partnerships? What kind of struggles do we face? How can we overcome the main difficulties we encounter?


  • Taking a step back from the problems we usually encounter
  • Analyzing a partnership or a project in a critical and constructive way
  • Fostering collective intelligence
  • Finding practical solutions to overcome the main issues we pin point


Duration: 1h presentation + 2h workshop.

It can be difficult for partners involved every day in a project to have new ideas or to get a fresh look on what they are working on. The “Big Debate” is a great tool to analyze a project or a partnership in a new perspective and to encourage collective intelligence.

Start with the presentation of a project to the whole group, the more precise the better, followed by the presentation of the most important issues, for example: “Expectations versus Motivations”, “Volunteer work versus Payed teamwork”, “Intercultural Communication”, etc.

For each of those topics, there will be a short description so that all the participants have an idea of what will be the problems they will be working on. Then, split them in small groups of 4 to 6 persons maximum so that each one can work on solutions to apply.

To help them analyze the problem and make propositions, set a common frame for every working groups. The provided process will take 1 hour and will unfold as follows (4 steps):

> Step 1. What is the problem?

Describe the problem in a short and clear sentence.

> Step 2. Ideally?

Try to imagine that everything is possible to solve the problem. You are in a perfect world where there are no obstacles… How will you deal with this problem without constraints?

> Step 3. Back to reality!

After dreaming, we need to see what are the limits that exist. Try to separate what can be easily changed and implemented, and what is more difficult because it is not in your power to change it.

> Step 4. Propositions

Let’s now solve this problem, with a mix of the steps 2 and 3. Stay grounded! Your propositions have to be as practical, realistic, precise, reachable and specific as possible.

After a short break (15-20), invite all working groups to share their findings with the others. For 15 minutes, each group will present the propositions they came up with to solve the problem they were working on. The audience may ask for clarifications when needed, when others keep the track of what is said in order to create a set of propositions, to give to the people involved in the project that was analyzed for improvement.

Material required

  • 1 paper board’s sheet per working groups + pencils / markers
  • 1 paper board for the finale restitution in plenary session.

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/positioning_exercices.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/14 11:24 by caro