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Debating: The Fish Ball


  • To debate in an organised way
  • To share the speech
  • To create complex knowledge


Duration: 1 hour

Ask a polemic question. Three persons (the fishes) are in the middle to discuss and debate a question. The others are around and they listen to the debate in silence. 

Option 1: When one of the spectators wants to take part in the debate, he/she comes and takes the place of one of the fish (by giving him/her a sign, like a light tap on the shoulder).

Option 2: Each person (fish) in the center will circularly speak one after the other. When the first to talk finished speaking, he/she stays in the circle until the next person finishes what he/she wants to say, then leaves his/her place. In this way, a place becomes available at the end of each speech, thus inviting a new person to join the jar.

Material required


out_of_the_box/tools/cooperation/debating_1.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/06 11:48 by ceci