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Storytelling : what we have learnt


  • Taking the scope of what we lived
  • Creating a collective memory of the training course highlighting what we have learnt
  • Improving our storytelling skills
  • Making a step forward sharing our knowledge with others.


Duration: 3 hours

Step 1 : Collective storytelling (2 hours 15 minutes)

Ask the participants to tell the story of what they went through, what they lived and what they learnt using:

  • 1/ a writing exercise
  • 2/ theatrical storytelling
  • 3/ drawing the “river of the training course” (using old magazines)

Give them 2 hours and 15 minutes to create. They can talk about the whole experience or a part of it depending their preference. They are free to express the way they want and to use the material they have as they prefer.

Step 2: The show must go on! (45 minutes)

Give 45 minutes to the participants to show their creation to they others.

Material required

  • Pens, pencils and papers
  • glue, scissors and old magazines
  • disguises
  • Any other material you may have that can ease the creation process.

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/storytelling.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/02 17:33 by caro