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A letter to myself


  • Self-assessing a learning experience
  • Imagining him/herself in the future
  • Keeping track of the achievements and new ideas that emerged during the experience


Duration: 30 minutes

Ask the participants to take time to reflect on the learning experience that is about to finish. Ask them to write to themselves a letter to the person they will be in the future. This letter will be to help themselves in the future not to forget what they have learned, what they achieved, the way they felt and the new ideas or projects that came to their mind and that they would like to implement back home / later.

If you have the possibility, offer them nice postcards to write on, this will make the object more special and will remind them better of the experience.

Collect all the postcards as well as the envelopes on which participants will have written their post address (envelopes provide a safer space for the participants to express). Send the postcards 2/3 months later, at a time most participants would probably have already forgotten about it.

Material required

  • A comfortable and big space
  • A piece of paper per person, or a postcard per person
  • An envelope per person
  • Pens for everyone

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/letter.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/02 17:28 by caro