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THE HAND – 6 items to synthetize your personal evaluation


  • Organizing the knowledge the participants have acquired
  • Taking time to reflect on how they will use this knowledge in the future
  • Giving feedback to the trainers/facilitators/organization team


Duration: 40 minutes

Ask participants to draw their hand on a piece of paper. Then explain what the different fingers and the palm represents and invite them to fulfill their draw.

To ease the process and help them remember the different activities they took part in, display the program of the training course.

Depending the time you have, you can either collect the draws straight away, either gather the participants for a last sharing circle allowing each of them to share one element of their draw.

Material required

  • 1 A4 per person + pencils

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/hand.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/15 11:41 by caro