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THE RED AND BLUE CHAIRS: For a critical and collective analysis of the training course


  • Pointing out what worked and what can be improve
  • Evaluating the quality of the seminar


Duration: 1 hour

Put in the middle of the room two chairs of different colour. One will represent the “blue” chair and will welcome positive feedbacks from the participants. The other will be the “red” chair and will welcome negative feedbacks: things that didn’t went well, that the participants disliked or that need improvement.

Gather the participants in circle around the chairs. One by one, invite them to go and sit on one of them and to share with the group one positive or one negative feedback. They can talk about contents, facilitation, hosting facilities, logistics, group dynamic, etc.

You may decide at some point to take away the “blue” chair if the participants are only giving positive feedback, in order to encourage constructive critics to emerge. The same way, you can take away the “red” chair in order to highlight the good aspects of the encounter.

Material required

  • 2 chairs of 2 different colours

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/chairs.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/02 17:30 by caro