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Blob-stairs, -bridges and -trees


  • Assessing where we stand regarding the training course
  • Giving feedback to the trainers/facilitators/organization team


Duration: 15 minutes

Distribute to each participant a “Blob-” template (either the Blob-stairs, the Blob-bridge or the Blob-tree depending your needs and preferences). Ask participants to color the character who represents the best where they stand now regarding the seminar/training course (5 minutes).

Depending the time you have, you can either collect the draws straight away, either gather the participants for a last sharing circle allowing some of them to explain their choice.

More abour the Blobs :

Material required

  • 1 “blob-” template per person + pencils

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/blob_stair.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/02 17:23 by caro