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out_of_the_box:tools:ice_breakers:positioning_exercices [2019/12/09 16:53]
caro created
out_of_the_box:tools:ice_breakers:positioning_exercices [2022/10/14 11:24] (current)
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 ====== How do we set up partnerships?​ What kind of struggles do we face? How can we overcome the main difficulties we encounter? ====== ====== How do we set up partnerships?​ What kind of struggles do we face? How can we overcome the main difficulties we encounter? ======
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 After a short break (15-20), invite all working groups to **share their findings** with the others. For 15 minutes, each group will present the propositions they came up with to solve the problem they were working on. The audience may ask for clarifications when needed, when others **keep the track** of what is said in order to create a set of propositions,​ to give to the people involved in the project that was analyzed for improvement. After a short break (15-20), invite all working groups to **share their findings** with the others. For 15 minutes, each group will present the propositions they came up with to solve the problem they were working on. The audience may ask for clarifications when needed, when others **keep the track** of what is said in order to create a set of propositions,​ to give to the people involved in the project that was analyzed for improvement.
-===== Needs (space / material / equipment) ​=====+===== Material required ​=====
   * 1 paper board’s sheet per working groups + pencils / markers   * 1 paper board’s sheet per working groups + pencils / markers
out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/positioning_exercices.1575906815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/09 16:53 by caro