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  • to learn the names of the members of the group
  • to get energized
  • to break the ice


Ask the participants to form a circle with chairs and to sit down, one volunteer will be the first leader and will go to the middle, his chair will be taken off the circle. The leader will have the opportunity to use three sounds “Zip”, “Zap”, “Zip-Zap” to tell the person he/she points out what to do :

  • ZIP : the designated person indicates the name of the person on his left
  • ZAP : the designated person indicates the name of the person on his right
  • ZIP-ZAP : everyone changes places and forms a circle again. The leader gets in the opportunity to sit down and let someone else take the leader's place.


To make the activity harder and to encourage the participants to learn more names you can add new sounds, as for example “ZIP ZIP” ( means that the designated person has to say the name of the second person on his/her left), ZAP ZAP ZAP (third person on his/her right) etc..

Required Material

Chairs for all the group except one person

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/zip-zap.1588006639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 18:57 by clem