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Getting out from the Drama triangle


  • Introducing the participants to the “drama triangle” by Karpman
  • Acknowledging when we act as “rescuer”, “persecutor” or “victim” and the perverse effects of those behaviors
  • Bonding with each other by revealing behaviors and situations we are not proud of (or even ashamed of)
  • Starting to define strategies to avoid toxic behaviors.


Duration: 45 minutes

Start the session with a brief theoretical introduction to the Karpman triangle (know as the “drama triangle”).

Invite the participants to reflect on 3 situations when they acted as: 1/ a Persecutor ; 2/ a Victim ; 3/ a Rescuer. Precise that each person has to find a situation for each case.

Ask the participants to share by 3 one story of their choice with the others (5 minutes per story).

To close the session, invite them to reflect for 10 minutes on the way they could avoid these toxic behaviors and get out from the drama triangle.

Material required

  • A board with the drama triangle

out_of_the_box/tools/supporting/karpman.1582546690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/24 13:18 by caro