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Who are the young people with fewer opportunities?


  • Defining what the expression “young people with fewer opportunities” means
  • Envisionning the variety of situation this appellation can refer to
  • Highlighting the differences between EU countries regarding a same situation.


Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Divide the room in 8 sectors. Dedicate each to one of the following characters, whom situation will be analyzed by the participants:

  • Peggy, a 26 years old girl who was diagnosed with a depressive disorder since the age of 22.
  • Totò, a 14 years old boy repeating the second year of a secondary school. He lives in a disadvanteged neighborhood of a big city.
  • Grgur, a 24 years old homeless guy, living in a big city. He really loves to play guitar.
  • Muhammad Aziz, a 21 years old guy who attends a degree course at Univesity.
  • Anna, a 23 years old girl who has a cancer since 2 years.
  • Rui, a 28 years old guy who is an activist in the LGBT+ movement.
  • Jorge, 14 years old boy living in a small village (about 200 inhabitants) in a rural area. 2 bus/day connect the town to the city.
  • Valeria, a 23 years old girl. She is pregnant. She worked as a hair dresser, a cashier in a supermarket and in a Mc Donald during 2 years. Now she is unemployed.

In each sector, put a A3 circle template whose radius correspond to the following criteria:

  • Education
  • Leisure time
  • Access to information
  • Sport
  • Work
  • Health care
  • Participation
  • Mobility (travel, transport…)

Ask the participants to form group regarding the country in which they are currently living (i.e. the French with the French, the Italians with the Italians…).

Invite each working group to visit each sector to evaluate to which extend the character they are analyzing has access to each kind of resources: “O” [zero] will be close to the centre and means “no opportunity to access” ; “10” will be on the circle's perimeter and represents the higher level of opportunies a person may have.

After half an hour, gather again all the participants for a debriefing.

  • How difficult was it to picture the situation of the different characters?
  • Which references did they use to answer?
  • Were there disagreements within their team?
  • Did they notice some differences between their ranking and the ranking of the other groups? How to understand those differences?
  • What this exercice reveals regarding the situation of young people with fewer opportunities in our different countries?

Material required

  • 8 templates (radars) on a A3
  • Pens and pencils.

out_of_the_box/tools/supporting/jamo.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/02 18:01 by caro