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The Ideal Trip


  • Discovering the others through a common interest
  • Getting into the spirit of travelling
  • Bringing to light one’s own motivations while travelling.


Duration : 30 minutes

“If you had no constraints, money in your pocket and time as much as you may need, which travel would you like to do?”

Divide the group into smaller groups of 5 to 6 persons (you can use an energizer to mix people and create teams in a more playful way).

Invite the participants to sit in circle and share with each other about their ideal trip, trying to express, beyond destinations and activities, their motivations.

Material required

Facultative : rugs / carpets for the participants to sit in a circle on the floor.

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/trip.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/15 11:21 by caro