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Let's talk about our emotions (speed-dating)


  • Facilitating a first interaction between the participants, breaking the ice.
  • Learning to talk about our emotions.


Duration : 1 hour.

Before the session, prepare 10 questions that the participants will have to answer to. Prefer unusual questions that may surprise the participants: the more enthousiast they will be, the more they will play the game and the quicker the ice will melt.

Invite the participants to walk in the room at a pace you will tell them (fast, peaceful, etc.). Start then to announce one of the 10 questions you have prepared. Give 1 minute to the participants to create a pair and think about their answer. They will have 2 minutes each to answer.

Every 5 minutes, propose a new question of your set and invite the participants to answer it with another person.

Example of questions :

  • The last time I felt angry
  • My biggest joy within these last 3 months
  • A fear I had when I was a child
  • Something that disgusts me
  • What I need to feel at ease with other people
  • What I miss the most in my life today
  • Something in which I trust
  • What surprises me in society today
  • How I prefer people to act when I am sad
  • A thing I feel ashamed of.

Material required

  • A big room for the participants to move in the space.

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/speed_dating.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/21 11:43 by caro