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What brought me to this training course?


  • Sharing our motivations and expectations regarding the training course
  • Bonding through telling our motives and hearing those of others.


Duration : 45 minutes

Divide the group in 3, with one facilitator per group.

Give the participant 5 to 10 minutes to think about their motivations and expectations regarding the training course and to write down their ideas on post-its (1 idea/post-it, with keywords).

Gather in circle and invite the participants to express their motivations to the others. Let each person express for 3 minutes (any way they want).

Collect participants' post-its in order to create a “Wall of motivations” that will be displayed in the working room.

Material required

  • Post-its + pens
  • A big board for the wall of motivations.


out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/motivations.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/24 10:38 by caro