User Tools

Site Tools


What links us


  • Breaking the ice
  • Creating a group
  • Bonding people together


Duration: 20 minutes (depending on the number of participants)

The participants stand in a circle. One participant holds the ball of wool. He/she says his/her name, the name of another participant, and what links them. Then, holding the end of the ball of wool, he/she throws the ball to that person who will do the same with another. the link (the wool they are both holding) is therefore physically represented between the 2 participants. Examples of links that participants could mention: «We participated in a training course in Spain. », «We are part of a non-profit organization that deals with environmental issues » « We have studied anthropology »,…

When everyone has spoken, a web has been woven from the wool held by all participants. You will then start to unravel the web by going backward. The last participant says the name of the person who threw the ball of wool to him or her and throws it back. And so on until the web is completely unraveled.

Material required

A ball of wool

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/links.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/06 11:44 by ceci