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  • Breaking the ice
  • Getting to know each other through a sensitive approach


Duration: 30 minutes

Gather all the participants in a room and invite them to walk in the space with their eyes closed and in silence.

After 2 minutes, ask them to stop walking and to grab the hands of someone who stands close to them. Give each pair 3-4 minutes to discover the hands of the other, always in silence and keeping their eyes closed, using their sense of touch.

At your signal, ask the participants to dissociate (always blindly) and to move again slowly in the space in order to take distance from their partner.

After 2 minutes, invite them to open their eyes again to search for their partner by using only their sense of touch.

15 minutes may be needed for everyone to find one's pair.

When everybody has, propose a small debrief of the exercise: How did they felt? Were they embarrassed? Why?

Material required

A big room for the participants to move

out_of_the_box/tools/ice_breakers/hands.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/15 12:26 by caro