Breaking the ice. Getting to know each other through a set of “innocent” question, out of status (academic degree, job…)
In a basket prepare small pieces of paper with different questions. Ask each participant to pick one, and go to find a pair. They will have to ask each other the question they grabbed. When they have finished they should exchange the questions and find a new pair.
Here are some ideas of questions you can use :
- Do you feel more as water, fire or wind?
- If you only have taken one picture of your life, what would it be?
- If you were a singer, what would be the title of your hit?
- If you were blind, what would you miss the most to see?
- When you’re sick, what do you really like to receive?
- What is your favourite gift?
- What is your sleeping position? Why?
- Do you prefer watching a tree leaf falling down or tears falling down?
- What is your body part that you prefer?
- If a dolphin could have talked to you, what would he have told you?
- I you could change something on your body, what would it be?
- Who inspires you?
- What kind of job did you want to do when you were a kid?
- Where did you grow up?
- What is your sense of good and evil?
- Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why?
- What is the most stupid thing you have ever done when you were a child?
- What is your favourite music instrument?
- Which language would you like to speak? Why?
- Why do you get up every day?
- What are your ideal holidays?
- Tell me a place where you feel comfortable?
- What outrages/revolts you?
- What is beauty for you?
- If you’re falling asleep with a smile, what happened?
- Tell me the last joyful event you attended?
- What do you love about someone?
- What do you like to do to get relaxed?
- What do you consume too much?
- When was the last time you felt unsafe?
- What is your own approach of happiness?