The game follows the same principles of the duel “rock paper scissors” but is played in teams. Instead of making the three signs only with the hands, they will use three different gestures involving the body. The gesture for each element will be defined at the beginning of the game (e.g. scissors will be crossing the arms or legs, the paper will be raising the hands, etc.)
Divide the participants into two teams that will face each other following a line represented on the ground. At the beginning of each round, the teams will gather for a few seconds to discuss and decide between the three elements - rock, paper and scissors.
Each team will form a line and will face the other team. When the facilitator gives the signal, all players reveal their team's choice by making the associated gesture. The team that has chosen the winning element of the duel (for example, in a duel between rock and paper, it would be the team that chose the paper) must chase the members of the opposing team, who flee to their camp up to the limit defined upstream. If some players have been touched by an opponent before reaching the limit, they have to join the other team.
The teams are therefore equal in numbers at the beginning of the game but are likely to be very unbalanced during the course of the game. The goal is to have as many members of the other team as possible in his/her team.