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Debating: The Boxing Ring of arguments


  • Debating on complex subjects
  • Endorsing another person's point of view
  • Exploring other points of view, different arguments about a topic
  • Debating without the urge to be right/ to “win” the debate


Duration: 1h

The facilitator divides the participants into two equal teams and will choose which team will argue in favor of the statement we will provide and which team argue against it. Each group will have to come up with several arguments according to their side.

Once the groups are formed and they know which side they are, the facilitator will give the statement.  Be aware that the groups will need some time to discuss within the group and take notes of their discussion before starting the boxing match. 

Once the match has started one team after the other will have the possibility to express one argument at a time. The speech will go from one team to another until every person from all the teams has spoken at least ones or when both teams have no more arguments left.


Almost infinite! For example

  • Select a main theme for the exercise and choose different polemic statements
  • Introduce rules or constraints as you go along: “talking stick”, a limited number of arguments, limited speaking time, etc.
  • Make new teams with each statement.
  • Offer an observer role

Material required

  • A rope and chairs or something else to symbolize the corners of the ring
  • Prepare several statements in advance

out_of_the_box/tools/cooperation/debating_2.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/06 11:52 by ceci