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Sharing Circle


  • Sharing feelings and emotions
  • Expressing oneself in front of a group
  • Proposing ideas to improve as a group
  • Experiencing deep listening


Duration: 2 minutes per person

Ask the participants to sit in a circle so everyone can see and hear everyone. Explain the rules of the circle : - The person who feels like speaking first can start and the speech will go clockwise or anti-clockwise - If the speech comes to a person who doesn’t feel ready to speak, he/she can say “pass” and the speech will go to the next person. The possibility to speak will be given again to him/her at the end of the round - There is no obligation to share, if someone doesn’t feel like speaking, he/she can say it. - The circle is not a debate, which means that no reactions will be allowed and that it is not possible to cut the speech of a person speaking - The facilitator/timekeeper will make a signal 10 seconds before the time of speech is over for each person, so the speaker can finish his/her sentence.

Before starting the round, give one minute of introspection to the participants so that they can think about what they want to say to the group before the sharing starts. This will help them to be focused when another person is speaking. According to the specific objectives that you have previously decided you can also propose one or two questions to guide the group. When the introspection time is over, ask if someone wants to speak to start the sharing circle. When everyone has spoken, thank the participant for respecting the rules of the circle and close the exercise.

Material required

  • A comfortable, quiet, and big space

out_of_the_box/tools/assessing/sharing_circle.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/15 16:31 by ceci