Duration: 40 minutes
Gather all the participants in the room. Start the session by explaining to them that they will share by pair for the next 30 minutes, either around a question, either in a non-verbal way, for 2 to 4 minutes per round. At each round, they should change partners in order to meet as many people as possible. The round will start when you will clap your hands and tell them the subject or the way of expression you meant for the round.
Invite the participants to walk randomly in the room, at a pace that fits a specific atmosphere: a lazy summer afternoon, a walk in a dense fog, a raining day, a sunrise at Spring time, a crazy party, etc.).
Each time you will clap your hands, they have few seconds to either gather with the furthest person of the group or make a group according to your instruction.
When they create pairs, they should share together, either around a question, either in a non-verbal way:
Example of questions: “Please, share with your partner“:
- a significant moment of your week
- your dreamt work
- what makes you happy in life
- your opinion regarding living together
- your last travel.
Non-verbal rounds:
- act out your job/main activity - guess what it could be
- gather by country of residence
- look to each other’s eyes
- gather by color of your socks
- gather by number of collectives you belong to : 1 or 2 ; From 3 to 5 ; More than 5.
A set of prepared questions A big room