Table of Contents

Sun and Suncream



Ask the participants to stand and to choose in their minds two persons from the group. One they will consider as their sun and another one as their sun cream. They keep this in mind and do not express it to the others. Once everyone has made their choice, the participants have to position themselves in order to be protected from the sun by the sun cream, meaning that the person they have chosen as their sun cream has to be positioned between them and the person they designated as their sun. When the facilitator announces that the time is over, everyone freezes. The facilitator then asks some of the players if they are protected or not, and also to reveal who was the sun and the sun cream. Propose several rounds so that the players get energized.


This game can be divided in different steps, small games, to form a sequence:

The sun and sun cream game (detailed before) can be proposed after as a closure of the sequence.

Material required
