Table of Contents

The Circle of Dream

(inspired by the Dragon Dreaming method)


Duration : 50 minutes


Start by a small introduction to the Dragon Dreaming method.

The « Dragon Dreaming » is a methodology for designing collective projects. It has 4 main phases: 1. Dreaming: Being aware of people’s personal intentions, sharing motivations, gathering information and expressing a collective dream. 2. Planning: Exploring various alternatives, defining a strategy for action, developing a prototype/test project. 3. Doing: Implementing the action, managing the project, monitoring achievements. 4. Celebrating: Evaluating what has been achieved, the skills acquired and the experience gained, celebrating what has been achieved and the way forward). Different tools are used to carry out each phase. The “Circle of Dream” is one of the main tools used to bring out the intentions of the group and to start defining a collective dream.

Then explain to the group the process of the Circle of Dream. You will propose a « generative question » to the group (for example: “What I would like to experience on the 23rd of November”). One after an other, each group’s member will share one idea at a time. As a facilitator, you will write down each person's proposition on a flip chart. Dreams will be collected until there are no more propositions.

Once the collection of dreams has reached an end, ask one, 2 or more volunteers to read them in the past tense, as if the dream had already been realized.

Important: Dreams do not have to be achievable. The Circle of Dream aims at blowing participants’ imagination. Likewise, there is no need for the dreams to be consistent with each other. “A” can propose an idea that is fundamentally different from “B”: no one should censor themselves. At this stage, the challenge is to collect each person’s intentions, wishes and motivations so that a collective dream can gradually emerge. Choosing a strategy, prioritizing ideas, ensuring their coherence and planning will come later.

Material required