{{ :frise_rose.jpg?nolink |}} ====== Addressing ecological issues and the social and ecological transition ====== * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:future|Role play : What could be a desirable future?]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:climate|What is happening to the Climate? A Climate Fresk to better understand the issues at stake !]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:emotions|How do the current ecological situation affects us (emotionally)?]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:food|What is ethical food?]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:greenwashing|The supermarket game: Are you fooled by the greenwashing?]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:footprint_1|How to reduce our ecological footprint in our daily life? Part 1 : the kitchen]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:footprint_2|How to reduce our ecological footprint in our daily life? Part 2 : the bathroom]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:footprint_3|How to reduce our ecological footprint in our daily life? Part 3 : the living room]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:footprint_4|How to reduce our ecological footprint in our daily life? Part 4 : the outdoor]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:town|Designing sustainable cities]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:town|Understanding planetary boundaries]] * [[out_of_the_box:tools:sustainability:strategies|How can we take action? Which strategies do we follow, why and how?]] {{ :frise_rose.jpg?nolink |}}