{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&500|}} ====== The Clock (speed-dating) ====== ===== Objectives ===== * Facilitating a first interaction between the participants, breaking the ice. * Launching a dynamic. ===== Scenario ===== **Duration :** 20 minutes. {{:out_of_the_box:tools:ice_breakers:clock-drawing.jpg?170 |}}Before the session, prepare **6 questions** that the participants will have to answer to. Prefer **eclectic**, **unexpected** and **playful** questions: the more the participants will laugh, the quicker the ice will melt. As a start, distribute a piece of paper with a **draw of cloc**k to the participants and give them first 5 minutes to **take appointments** with others, by pair, thanks to the clock on paper they got. One appointment will last **2 minutes** (1 minute per person), representing 2 hours on the clock. Start then to announce one of the 6 questions you have prepared. Every 2 minutes, propose a new question of your set and invite the participants to answer it with the person they have an appointment with at this moment, according to their “clock-agenda”. ===== Material required ===== * 1 A4 per person with a clock + pens. * A big room for the participants to move in the space. {{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&500|}}