{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink|}} ====== THEME #1 ====== ====== WORKING TOGETHER ====== \\ {{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:blossom-30.jpg?200 |}}Since its creation, our association, Via Brachy, is dealing with **group dynamics** and **cooperation issues**. We believe that living and working together offers to whoever experiences it an opportunity to grow as a person and at the same time to do things he/she would never have been able to do alone.\\ But **understanding each other**, **getting together**, or **setting up and sustaining a collective project** are not an easy job! As persons or as organizations, we often failed in our attempt to make it successful.\\ Why? Probably because we are used to compete with each other, to impose our point of view, to talk without really listening to the others, to lead a project our way or to follow a charismatic person. Most of us were not taught how to communicate with the others, and most of the time we don’t know how to deal with conflicts when they occur.\\ This leads to the harmful divisions of lovely groups, to the collapse of brilliant projects, and eventually to the feeling that living and/or working together is a nice utopia that doesn’t fit reality.\\ Hopefully, all around us, pioneers show that there might be **ways to reach this dream of us**. They offer us **models** and **concepts** to better **understand group dynamics** and develop **methods** and **tools** to better **communicate**, collectively **design projects**, **debate**, **take decision** together, **prevent tensions** and **resolve conflicts**.\\ Our training courses were designed in order to **share** some of this emerging knowledge. They aimed at developing participants’ ability to set up and sustain positive group dynamics, get creative together, associate their skills to take action, deal with emotions and address tensions and conflicts.\\ Click on the images below to **discover the programs** of the training courses we organized on this thematic in Gaillac (Tarn, France).\\ To have a look on different **tools** we used during these training courses, **[[out_of_the_box:tools:together|click here]]** and **[[out_of_the_box:tools:cooperation|there]]** [[http://outofthebox.viabrachy.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=out_of_the_box:past-tc:from_singular_to_plural_ob.pdf|{{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:singular_plural.png?nolink&200 |}}]] [[http://outofthebox.viabrachy.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=out_of_the_box:past-tc:agora_seminar_-_ob.pdf|{{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:agora.png?nolink&200 |}}]] [[http://outofthebox.viabrachy.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=out_of_the_box:past-tc:synergies_2017_-ob.pdf|{{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:synergies.png?nolink&200 |}}]] [[http://outofthebox.viabrachy.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=out_of_the_box:past-tc:dynamix_-_ob.pdf|{{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:dynamix.png?nolink&200 |}}]] [[http://outofthebox.viabrachy.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=out_of_the_box:past-tc:leadershift_-workshop_schedule_en_.pdf|{{:out_of_the_box:past-tc:leadershift.png?nolink&200 |}}]] {{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink|}}