{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&500|}} ====== What could be a desirable future? ====== N.B : This session was created by the french collective La volte ([[https://collectif-lavolte.org/]]) ===== Objectives ===== * Reflecting on what could be a desirable future for each of us and how to get there * Sharing our visions and making efforts to design a joint future that combines our diverse expectations, values and political convictions * Highlighting the importance of collective action for social change ===== Scenario ===== **Duration**: 2 hours 15 minutes **> Step 1: Personal reflection and drawing of one's timeline (30 minutes)** First, ask the participants to reflect: What is their desirable future for 2084? Then, ask them to draw a timeline from now to 2084. On the upper part, they will write down historical events or collective moments that will have made it possible to get to the future they would like to be for 2084. On the lower part, they will write down what is happening for them, as individuals, in this same period. **> Step 2: Sharing our visions (1 hour)** Once the self-reflection is finished, invite the participants to gather in groups of 3. Ask them to share shortly their vision of 2084 with the others, using their timeline drawing. Give 5 minutes per person to do so. Then, give them 45 minutes to reflect on how they could combine their ideas: What do they have in common? Ask them to achieve a common timeline and to list the significant historical or collective events that need to take place to arrive at their common vision of the future. What would be the prerequisites, the different stages, and the sequences to get there? **> Step 3: Restitution (45 minutes)** To close the session, ask each group to introduce briefly their timeline to the other groups (5 minutes/group). They should not get into all details but point out the most significant elements of their timeline. At the end of the exercise, display the timelines in the venue, so that every person can have a look at it afterwards. ===== Material required ===== - - 1 A4 per person (to draw their timeline) - 1 A3 per group of work + pens - 1 Paperboard for the final restitution {{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&600|}}