{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&500|}} ====== The Ideal Trip ====== ===== Objectives: ===== * Discovering the others through a common interest * Getting into the spirit of travelling * Bringing to light one’s own motivations while travelling. ===== Scenario: ===== ** Duration** : 30 minutes {{:out_of_the_box:tools:ice_breakers:tbt-75.jpg?230 |}} //“If you had no constraints, money in your pocket and time as much as you may need, which travel would you like to do?”// Divide the group into smaller groups of 5 to 6 persons (you can use an energizer to mix people and create teams in a more playful way). Invite the participants to sit in circle and share with each other about their **ideal trip**, trying to express, beyond destinations and activities, their **motivations**. ===== Material required ===== Facultative : rugs / carpets for the participants to sit in a circle on the floor. {{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&600|}}