{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink&500|}} ====== Storytelling eyes ====== ===== Objectives ===== Breaking the ice. Getting to know each other in an intimate way. Acknowledging the power of non-verbal communication. ===== Scenario ===== **Duration :** 25 minutes\\ Ask the participants to gather by pair, preferably with a person they don't know or with whom they haven't talk much yet. Each person has to **tell a story** to the other within **3 minutes** by **using only his/her eyes**. They other has to look at his/her partner attentively in order to understand what he/she expresses. When time is over, invite the observer to explain shortly what he/she understood. The "storyteller" confirms what was correct and what wasn't. He/she may give details and reveal the full story or not. After both partners expressed, invite participants for a small debriefing by group of 6 (10' of debriefing): * What surprised them? * What embarrassed them? * What they learnt from the exercise? ===== Material required ===== * None {{ :frise_rose.jpg?nolink|600}}