{{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink|}}\\ ====== Our past training courses ====== {{:out_of_the_box:from_singular_to_plural-4.jpg?230 |}} The saga started in 2015 with the organization of a first European seminar on team working: “From Singular to Plural”. Born from the common wish we had with our Greek and Spanish partners to draw attention on a **set of existing methods** and tools to better work together, it allowed us to significantly **improve our ability** to set up and sustain positive group dynamics and to take collective action meanwhile it boosted our **motivation** to **explore** the topic deeper and **extend our action** at a European scale.\\ {{:out_of_the_box:tbt-40.jpg?230 |}}From then, we got addicted and never stopped working in this field. We organized **1 to 3 meetings a year**, gathering people from 4 to 9 EU countries.\\ In addition, we organize since 2013 a [[https://idealsinaction.viabrachy.org/doku.php/guide:context|Heterotopia Tour]] a year, as a non-formal education tool to **empower young people**, promote **cooperation** and **intercultural dialogue** and foster **social change**. You will find on this platform the **most significant tools and methods** we used in those training courses as well as some **realized programs** (for inspiration) and **bibliographic references** we find relevant to go deeper.\\ Generally speaking, our training courses address at least 3 main thematics:\\ **[[out_of_the_box:past-tc:together|THEME #1: WORKING TOGETHER]]**\\ **[[out_of_the_box:past-tc:supporting|THEME #2: SUPPORTING AND EMPOWERING PEOPLE]]**\\ **[[out_of_the_box:past-tc:mobilities|THEME #3: SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE]]**\\ Click on the above links to access more details. {{:frise_rose.jpg?nolink|}}